English/Language Arts » Departmental Initiatives

Departmental Initiatives

In our student-centered, 21st century classrooms, the following is emphasized:


  • Implementation of the Gradual Release of Responsibility Model becomes key to helping all students acquire key reading and writing skills. Within this model, a step-by-step process is engaged. The teacher models the skill (I Do), and then practices the skill with the students (We Do). The next phase sees students fully at work. They are “released” to take “responsibility” for their learning as they practice the skill together (You Do Together), and individually (You Do Alone).
  • Data Drives Instruction- Students are placed in flexible cooperative groups based on multiple forms of data and receive high quality tiered instruction to their unique needs.
  • Assessment is consistent and ongoing- Every 10-12 minutes, teachers check for student understanding (CFU) and respond instructionally.
  • Technology is integrated into instruction at each of its three tiers with a strong emphasis on Tier 3, which promotes students’ individual as well as collaborative use on learning activities.

2020-2021 English Deparment Initiatives that will lead to improved academic performance:


  • Get Lit with Literature Wednesdays!

Every Wednesday, ECOHS scholars will drop everything and read for 10 minutes in their ELA classroom.  Scholars are welcomed to bring in literature of their choice, choose an interesting article online, or choose a book form their online classroom libraries.  Together, we will "Get Lit with Literature" and raise the bar for literacy.

  • Writing Across Content- Writing continues to be a main focus and is an expectation in every subject area. All teachers will receive a writing protocol and specific training around how to facilitate evidence-based writing in their subject areas.